Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Super Mom

My kids are constantly impressed with me.  Actually they are constantly embarrassed.  But that's okay, most of the time it doesn't bother me when they cringe.  I just go about being me.  Although out of respect for the older ones' pre-teenhood, I tone me down sometimes.  

Last week after being on the road for six days, we needed to make it to a surprise party.  We got stuck in a mess of Detroit traffic and we were running late.  I didn't want to be the reason the surprise was ruined.  So, I asked Tim to meet us down the street from the party and to bring my orange dress.  He did and then I changed in the parking lot.  I went straight from the road to the party like a boss.  I went from road weary mom to party mom in less than two minutes.  I felt like Superman, or more like Super Mom, only I didn't even need a stinking phone booth.  

I thought my kids might be impressed with my powers or at the very least my reference to Superman.  Nope I was wrong.  But maybe you'll be impressed....check me out.

(If you are an email subscriber, click here to watch the video.) 

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