Friday, December 28, 2012

Making It Great in 2012

Earlier this week we woke up to a snowy Christmas morning.  And then we woke up the next day to a blizzard warning that postponed a holiday trip to Pittsburgh.  Yeah, we holiday in Pittsburgh, so what, it's a great city.  

We made the best of our stuck at homeness.  

Looking back at the past 12 months, which is a popular thing to do this time of year, that's really been a theme throughout--making the best of things.

Through a short sold mess and becoming renters to broken bones and more, we've made the best of it.  Actually, most of the time we make it even better.  We laugh a lot.  We love a lot.  And we dance a lot.

Here's to more laughing, loving and dancing in the new year.

Here's a look back at some of my favorite moments of 2012:

Dancing and Beat Poetry
I love dancing and creative expression of all kinds.  Click here to read the post where I write about how I had to to do...I had to write and perform a beat poem.  Then watch it and forgive me my very Michigan accent. Ugh.


Click here to read about some of my thoughts on the past four years (personally speaking).

My 20th High School Reunion

Click here to read the post about the reunion.

Some other notable posts from the last year:

The One Where I Tell Off Know It All Moms--
F#@* It, Just Be Nice

The One Where I Go To A Blog Conference-I'm Outta Here

The One Where I Take The Reader Back In Time To Panama City 1989- Spring Break Total Recall

The One Where JT Breaks His Arm And I Yell The F Word (a lot)- Very Lucky

The One Where I Get Hit On By A Biker (Sort Of) And Discover The Good In the World-What Are You Looking At?

The One Where My Hatred of Cats Is Revealed- 
Furry Socks/Cats Suck

The One Where Lucy Makes A Case For Getting Lost In Space-
Lost on Mars

What about you?  What are some of your favorite moments of 2012?

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