Friday, February 3, 2012

I Won't Apologize (too much)

I am a very emotional person.  Like borderline bi-polar emotional.  My highs are high and yes my lows are low.

This week on Ellen, Kristen Bell showed a video of how emotional she can get.  She discussed how she cried when she was sad or happy.  She was adorable, lovable, sweet and charming.  And it was funny.

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When my husband Tim first met me he found my game of emotional ups and downs fascinating.  Loving me was unpredictable and the beginning.  Now even though I remind him about how exciting it all used to be, I know it exhausts and confuses him.  

You see, I don't think I have ever been as adorable or as charming as Kristen Bell.  Happy or sad, when I get emotional I look scary.  Like no more wire hangers, Mommie Dearest looking scary, yes even when I'm happy.  My kids will even ask "is that a happy cry?"

But here's what I know for sure, I am all about embracing the crazy.  Letting the tears flow.  Sure, there are times to seek therapy and medication, but most of the time it's okay to ride the roller coaster.  And I won't apologize (too much) for being emotional.  Even if that makes most some people uncomfortable.

Here are a few other things I know for sure:
Car loop at elementary school is for suckers.  Our new house is out of the kids' school zone so I will be driving them to and from school for the rest of the year (in the good old car loop).  Now I get to listen to my kids fight all the way to school and snap at me.  "Would you ever talk to your bus driver that way?" I asked yesterday morning.  I have been at the elementary school more in the past three days than the past five years. Ugh.

Using musical theater/performance instead of time outs and grounding works well for me.  When they wouldn't stop fighting I threatened to write a musical about how bratty my children are and ask their teachers if I could perform it in front of each of their classes.  One time, I threatened to walk into the lobby of their school and say good-bye to them by singing "So Long, Farewell" from The Sound of Music, with the choreography and all.  They usually are much better listeners after these threats. 

Adieu, adieu to you and you and you!

I may be one of the very few watching OWN, but I f-ing love most of it.  Seriously.  And I am so very grateful that I discovered Soul Pancake.  Love it.
I have found a new threat for my children...Dance Walk!!!!!!!!

I dare you to Dance Walk this weekend while embracing your crazy.  Do it.  

Hey one more video, dance walk to this song.  

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