Friday, August 26, 2011

Back to School Revolution

After a few days of sickness, bitterness and resentment in our house, it was time for a change.

I find it is better to surrender to the children rather than try to control them.  Once I understand and accept that they are really in charge, the day goes a lot smoother.  The day also goes smoother when I realize I only have 10 more days until school starts.  
And then their teachers can surrender to them!

So we played games, ate junk food, watched tv, played house, played ninja 
(but I was really only the narrator in this game, no costume for me) and even did some arts and crafts.  It was all going very well.

Until I suggested that my daughter finally finish her thank you notes for her grandparents.  It was not something that she was in charge of and it did not go over well.  What was I thinking?

Three hours later 2 out of 3 of the thank yous were completed.  Homework this fall should be so much fun. 

I decided to focus on the positive, because that is where I am today.  A land of possibility!

A new school year is a new start for all of us.  So I am going to make my back-to-school resolutions, which is good because I totally failed with my new year's resolutions.  Fresh start and possibility....a totally new me.  

I asked my kids what their resolutions were.

"What's a revolution?" asked JT as he raised his sword.  

"To get a perfect score on the MEAP," said my overachieving, ready to impress eldest child Peyton.  The MEAP is a standardized test that is made for kids just like him.

"Um, well, I guess, my revolution is to stop looking at other people's papers and copying," said Lucy shrugging her shoulders and skipping away in her ninja costume and heels.

Good stuff.

My resolutions include:

  • Finding the perfect morning routine that gets the children to school loaded up with a healthy brain-food breakfast and no anxiety.
  • Actually spending time with the baby, Wade, while the others are at school and finally reading him a book.
  • Learning to love little league/pee-wee football.  If your kid is in it you understand, you have no choice in it taking over your life.  So you better learn to love it.
  • Not getting mad at my husband and playing the who works harder and is more tired game every night.  
  • Drinking less wine.  I must admit I was going to name this post "How blogging made me an alcoholic" because I am enjoying a glass or two or three with each post.
  • Tweeting more.  Yup, that's right I really want to get skilled in...Twitter.  
So positive right?  
As my beloved, crazy mother said to me years ago, "You are a real f@#*ing Pollyanna."  

That's me alright.
Good stuff.

1 comment:

  1. I love these pics of your kids! so adorable! it is hilarious that you say they are in charge! haha


    p.s. I am doing a giveaway of a t-shirt from this monday on my blog! winner gets to pick a shirt for themselves or on for their child or one for their husband. you will have to hop over and enter!
